"Resilient and Green Communities" - 17-26.05.2022 - Floda, Sweden
We believe that we need to bring together communities to achieve sustainable change and to build a resilient and green future for young people. By the youth exchange ‘Resilient and Green Communities’ we aim to explore the concept of a resilient community as a community that can resist, absorb, accommodate, and recover from challenges, and hazards linked to various issues including changing climate, and environmental degradation.
Moreover, we believe that building resilient communities is essentially important to be able to recover from the consequences of COVID – 19 and to be able to get ready for another challenge, a disaster that can hit our communities. Objectives of youth exchange ‘Resilient and Green Communities’:
to explore the concept of resilient and green communities, the key elements, and the practical examples of creating such communities in 6 participant countries;
to increase understanding of young people directly involved in YE, follow-up activities, or reach online on the direct link between their well-being and the well-being of their communities;
to empower young people to get activated and to look for new opportunities of involvement in their communities and ways of creating more resilient and green communities supporting active youth participation;
to support learning and exchanging of good practices between participating communities and countries in the areas of resilience, green, sustainability, and active youth participation;
to create a series of 12 YouTube videos in the forms of interviews with the participants of YE and inspiring people from their communities to transfer good practices from one country to another and to encourage young people to get actively involved and become part of building resilient communities;
to organize 2 offline events in the forms of workshops, and interactive lectures, in 6 participating countries to share lessons learned from YE and to encourage the interest of young people in the topic of resilience and green communities;
to encourage young people to work together with young people coming from different countries and to share experiences and lessons learned;
to develop the competencies of participants of YE describe in YouthPass, especially their competence to work in a multicultural environment, to feel confident to speak in English, to be able to express their ideas, and feelings, to present their initiatives, and to be proactively involved;
to provide young people with information on Erasmus + Programme and its’ opportunities during YE, follow-up activities, and to encourage them to take part in international youth work activities.
We plan to implement Youth Exchange involving Programme Countries: North Macedonia, Serbia, Italy, Turkey, Greece, and Sweden. The YE will include 8 participants and two leaders from each country. The participants will have the following profile:
young people aged 18 to 30, the residents of participant’s countries, with strong interest:
to explore the topics addressed by YE, to gain a deeper understanding of the connection between the impact of community involvement on youth development, the dive deeper into the topic of resilience, building communities that are paying attention to involving young people and providing them support and possibilities of involvement;
to learn about realities in participating countries in the areas covered by the YE;
to work together with young people from different countries and cultures;
to be open to exchanging ideas and opinions in a safe and supportive environment; -to learn more about Erasmus + Programme;
to share experiences through visibility and dissemination activities: to take an active part in preparing videos, writing posts for the project blog, and FB page, and being actively involved in organizing follow-up activities.
Youth exchange ‘Resilient and Green Communities’ is expected to have followed impact:
On the level of participants: young people will develop their competencies and skills in the fields covered by the project: resilient and green communities, youth participation, the wellbeing of the community, and the wellbeing of young people, Erasmus + Programme. Moreover, we believe that young people will become more aware of their role in the process of shaping their communities and interested in involvement in community life;
On the level of participating organizations: YE will bring the possibility to share tools, and methods, to strengthen cooperation at the international level but also it will give the partners the opportunity to establish new relationships at a local level through the implementation of follow-up events. Youth exchange ‘Resilient and Green Communities’ will have an especially impact in the sense of raising awareness on the concept of resilient and green cities that is not yet known and understood in the participating countries. We believe that the YE will motivate directly involved participants and also young people who will be reached through online activities or follow events to be more interested in the life of their communities and more aware of their role as young people in the process of shaping the future of the communities.