"Green Go" - 04-12.04.2022 - Floda, Sweden
The main goal of the project ‘Green Go’ is to motivate young people to live their lives in a more green and sustainable way. Overall, we can say that young people are aware of the importance of protecting nature and addressing ecological issues but at the same time, there is a big step to apply the knowledge in daily life: to use the most ecological way of transport, to buy local products if possible, to use a glass bottle, to limit using of plastic, to check out the origin of our clothes and in overall to reduce overconsumption that is much present in our lives.
-To increase knowledge of the participants on practical aspects of living more green and sustainable lifestyle (to compare practices in participating countries, to address various aspects of daily life: transport, accommodation, cooking, free time activities);
-To inspire the participants to live more green and sustainable lifestyles and to transfer their attitude to their communities through a series of online and ‘face-to-face activities;
-To create at least 10 short tutorials on practical aspects of living green, sustainable lifestyle e.g. aspects of food, cooking, transport, accommodation, and recycling;
-To create a practical online booklet with tips, articles, and resources on green, sustainable lifestyles in English;
-To increase the digital competencies of the participants through work on tutorials, an online booklet and content for the project website and social media;
-To organize 2 local actions in each participating country with the aim to share lessons learned, and practical tips and inspire others to live more green, sustainable lifestyles;
-To provide the participants of youth exchange an opportunity to work on the development of competencies described in YouthPass;
-To increase knowledge of the participants on Erasmus + Programme and to encourage development of new projects;
- To give the opportunity to young people with fewer opportunities to take part in international youth mobility and to promote their active involvement.